I'm not saying these are bad - because I do get some enjoyment out of them, but they're increasingly hard to differentiate between and the monotony gives a feeling of being unsatisfied.
MikkoPWhy was iron man so much better than like every other modern marvel movie?
May 19, 2015
dirtythe volume of output works against marvel maybe?
May 19, 2015
MikkoPmaybe there isnt enough talent they can grab for how many licenses they have, but they keep making a movie a year. Like I'll see Ant-Man but I can't imagine it's going to be The Dark Knight.
May 20, 2015
MikkoPI guess some of the more "serious" and "gritty" movie people tend to gravitate to DC stuff anyways.
May 20, 2015
MikkoPnot that all serious and gritty people are good film makers
May 20, 2015
dirtyYea - the levity and cuteness marvel bakes into all its movies really cheapens it for me, although it fit Guardians of the Galaxy perfectly. I'm watching Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix now and the tone is bang on.
May 20, 2015
dirtyand if the DC movie people are gritty, the DC tv people are not - did you see the Supergirl trailer from CBS? Man - what a trainwreck.
May 20, 2015
MikkoPUgly Betty 2 woo !!
I can;t imagine the IP for Supergirl was hard to get. I really need to watch more shows I guess, I keep almost finishing Daredevil then I don't. But I think the lighting guy on it is overambitious or underskilled.
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